Having trouble signing in?

If you are having trouble logging into RecruitHub Knowledge Base or this is your first time here, please, read though the information below.

Signed Out

If your site looks like the below and your have "Sign in" option on the top right, this means that you are not signed into the Knowledge Base. Please click on the "Sign in" and follow through the prompts on the screen.

First Time / Register



If this is your first time here and you don't have an account with us yet, you can:

  • Click "Sign up" to create your account, or
  • "Continue with Google" button

We recommend using your work email, but if you don't have one yet, we recommend signing with Google until you get one. 

Do not have access

If you have successfully signed in, but do not see the content that you are looking for, please reach out to support@recruit-hub.com and they will check your access. 

Reset Password

If you already have an account, but cannot remember your password, please, click "Forgot password?" to reset.